It's that time of year! Time to dust off the hunting gear, grab your Ajacs hunting hat and head out to the woods. We are ready for your photos and looking forward to hearing about your hunt.

Remember to bring your camera along and send us a photo. Be sure to wear your Ajacs hunting hat and include a brief description of your trophy and the hunt with your entry.

Don't have a hat? No problem. To send your hat request, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Camo and Hunter Orange are available. Supplies are limited and available to individuals directly affiliated with Ajacs: our customers, vendors and service providers.

Prize Drawing Rules

2024 Gallery

Hunt with the Hat Fun Facts
Hats Handed Out: 3308+
Entries Received: 713
Prize Winners: 40
Enjoyment from supporting our fellow hunters... Priceless!